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序号 论文题目 作者 期刊名称 发表时间
1 Associations between trace level thallium and multiple health effects in rural areas: Chinese Exposure and Response Mapping Program (CERMP) 于云江 Science of the Total Environment 2023
2 Evaluating the impacts of biochemical processes on nitrogen dynamics in a tide gate-controlled river flowing into the South China Sea 范中亚 Science of the Total Environment 2023
3 Occurrence of microplastics in the seawater and atmosphere of the South China Sea: Pollution patterns and interrelationship 刘冰洁 Science of the Total Environment 2023
4 Microplastics transferring from abiotic to biotic in aquatic ecosystem: A mini review 张杨 Science of the Total Environment 2023
5 River sediment microbial community composition and function impacted by thallium spill 陈思莉 Science of the Total Environment 2023
6 Unveiling alkali metal poisoning of Cr\\Mn catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: An experimental and theoretical study 陈志航 Science of the Total Environment 2023
7 Historical emission and reduction of VOCs from the petroleum refining industry and their potential for secondary pollution formation in Guangdong, China 梁小明 Science of the Total Environment 2023
8 The latest research trends in the removal of cesium from radioactive wastewater: A review based on data-driven and visual analysis 童立志 Science of the Total Environment 2023
9 Improved emission factors and speciation to characterize VOC emissions in the printing industry in China 梁小明 Science of the Total Environment 2023
10 Association of urinary exposure to multiple metal(loid)s with kidney function from a national cross-sectional study 于云江 Science of the Total Environment 2023